October 22, 2018

just wanted you to know that i really miss you right now. I wish i could talk to you. I wish i could call you. i miss you so much. i hope you're doing fine. i pray for your wellbeing every single day. and i hope that you miss me enough to come and look for me.. maybe not now, but someday..

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October 13, 2018

Repeating mistakes

Tomorrow's the day. The day that did spark some issues between us before. You knew how I felt about tomorrow. You knew how nervous I am. You knew how i unprepared i was, and still. You knew I needed your support. Especially at times like this. You know how much I depend on you on pretty much everything. I liked the fact that I could cling on to you. You said that you liked it too. But now, it seems to me that maybe you didn't liked it that much. But because we were so madly in love, you thought you liked it. 
Well, I'm sorry I cling too much on you. I'm sorry I depend too much on you. Its not that I ask forgiveness from you, but I feel sorry for yourself. If I had not cling on too much on you, if I didn't let myself depend on you, if I didn't gave my everything to you, maybe right now, I will not feel this miserable without you. I felt pathetic. I let myself fall for you, hard. 
But this is me tho. I can't help but love too much. i'm not sorry that I met you. but I regret the fact that I keep repeating the same mistakes : giving too much of me. 
Maybe one day Allah will give me the perfect person that is meant for me. But if there is none, its okay. I'll take it as a chance for me focus on myself, instead of worrying about things that is yet to come. 
I still miss you until this very moment I'm typing this. But just like you, I'll let my ego consumes me and let Allah decides whats best for me. 

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